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Diversity and Inclusion Training

Diversity and Inclusion Training for Educators

Educators must be culturally competent. The National Education Association defines cultural competency as having an awareness of one’s own cultural identity and views about difference, and the ability to learn and build on the varying cultural and community norms of students and their families. It is the ability to understand the within-group differences that make each student unique, while celebrating the between-group variations that make our country a tapestry. This understanding informs and expands teaching practices in the culturally competent educator’s classroom. 

Why:  Although not usually a focus in teacher preparation programs, issues like privilege and colorism impact students of color. From policies that police black hair to school disciplining that more harshly affects black and brown students, it is imperative that educators understand how they can effectuate change and support their students of color.

Who: This three hour training is designed for all educators at every level. Educators with a racially and ethnically diverse student body are strongly encouraged to participate.

What: The diversity and inclusion training will delve into concepts that affect diverse students. Understand concepts of privilege, colorism, implicit bias, and more. Educators will also learn inclusive teaching practices to better support diverse students.

When: Learn more about the diversity and inclusion training by Contacting Us.

Actively look for opportunities to create inclusive and diverse educational curricula

Be more aware to what unspoken concerns students go through

Be more aware of my students and how they may feel about themselves

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